Zeni and tree planting

» Zeni and tree planting

Our company Zeni team s.r.o., as a part of the WordPress community, decided to support an idea of the WordCamp conference this year. In 2019, they started with the planting of trees in a new orchard in Otnice. Thanks to us, its second half was created this year.

The WordPress Community And Planting

We are interested in good ideas and we like to support such them in Zeni. One of them is planting trees. It was started by the WordPress community two years ago. The WordPress planting event brought up to 45 new trees to Otnice! When we found out that the planted trees should be fruity and such a tasty and sweet orchard would grow, we were even more interested in the idea. In addition, fruit trees have the longest lifespan, because tall-stemmed trees will last more than 70 years. People who will passers-by will be able to enjoy the fruit for a long time. 

Thanks to the new trees, in 2019, the WordPress community neutralized the CO2 footprint of the WordCamp Brno 2019 conference. In the following years, the conference took place only in the online space. Zeni also participated in the WordCamp Brno 2019. You can read more about the event in the article Zeni and WordCamp Brno 2019

Tree Planting

The Zeni team is celebrating its 10th birthday this year, so we came up with the idea to contribute to 45 trees planted at the WordPress event and plant another 45. Together with the residents of Otnice, the second half of the orchard was planted on November 13, 2021 and it can now be enjoyed by everyone who will walk by.

planting fruit trees

The orchard will offer small fruit snacks on 90 different trees, among which you can indulge in cherries, apples, pears, apricots or plums. Thanks to the different varieties, you will find fruits on the trees during your walk from spring to autumn.

A Vision For The Future

In the past, there used to be orchards near almost every village, we could take a walk in them and try some fruits. In Zeni, we would like to contribute 50 fruit trees every year in the future, which the villagers will be able to plant together. Everyone who will walk by will be able to visit the orchads that will be created on the lands of villages. We are going to create a little fruit joy not only for people, but also for nature and Mother Earth, which really needs trees these days.

The inhabitants of Otnice plant fruit trees

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